Pick-up Locations

The pickup is possible at any commercial ETECSA Store in the country (Oficina Comercial or Centro Multiservicio), as well in the following airports:

– Havana International Airport (José Martí) Terminal 3
The CubaTUR / ETECSA stand is located after customs / migration in the baggage area in Hall C and is open 24/7 every day.
If you miss this or e.g. For example, if you land in Terminal 2, you could also visit the ETECSA office outside the airport at Terminal 3.
However, this is only open until 7 p.m. (Terminal 1 = domestic flights / Terminal 2 = charter flights / Terminal 3 = international flights)

– Holguín International Airport at the ETECSA / CubaTUR stand.

– Varadero International Airport at the ETECSA / CubaTUR stand.

– Camaguey International Airport at the ETECSA / CubaTUR stand.

– Other ETECSA offices where pickup is possible:

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